Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Still Life


white fluorescent light

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Shutter Speed and Aperture

1/8 f20

1/15 f14

1/30 f8

1/60 f6.3

1/125 f4.5

1/250 f4.5 ISO800

1/250 f4
1/100 f5.6

1/60 f8

1/30 f11

1/10 f16

1/6 f22

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Writing Assignment # 1

Alicia in a Golden Dress, Ukraine, 2005 © Michal Chelbin

1. The setting is a forest area. There is a middle aged bearded man with sunglasses on and without a shirt in the background of the photograph; a little girl in a gold colored formal dress and white ballet shoes in the foreground and the middle ground of the photograph is an old beat up car separating the man and the little girl.

2. It makes me think that the guy in the background is the little girls father and that they are a fairly poor family but the little girl loves ballet and has dreams of becoming a famous ballerina. I think the father wants more for his daughter than what he had and so even though they don't have much he supports her in her quest to reach her goal of becoming a famous ballerina. I feel that the girl standing in the foreground in front of her father and in front of the beat up car is symbolic of her want to transcend her current life of poverty.

3. It makes me feel happy because it shows that no matter what your circumstance or social status you can be or at least try to be whatever you want. It also makes me feel a bit sad because I feel bad for the father who may have never had the opportunity to become what he really wanted to become in life.

Limbo 5, 2004 © Bianca Brunner

1.I see a very thin woman in a white dress walking in a pool of water. You can see the water behind her but what lies in front of her is dark and unclear.

2.That makes me think that she is very aware of her past and she is trying to move forward from it almost trynig to escape it. The water could be symbolic of like a baptism, or a renewal of ideas or behavior. And the darkness ahead of her could be the uncertainty of whats to come with the new path shes taking in life.

3. This makes me feel a little uneasy and concerned for the girl because of how unclear and dark that water is in the direction she is heading.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Interesting Photos

Guy Bourdin

The reason I like this photograph by Guy Bourdin is because I enjoy his unique take on fashion photography. I like the use of color and the way the photograph advertises the stockings in a peculiar way. I also just think it looks interesting.

Guy Bourdin

Again I appreciate Guy Bourdin's unique take on fashion photography. I like how he plays with the scale of the objects in the photograph. I also like the use of black and white and color in the photograph.

Anna Gaskell

I enjoy this photograph for the eerie aura it exudes. I also like the angle and point of view that puts you at the level of the young girl. I also like the color and lighting and I just think it looks pretty interesting and strange (in a good way).

Mike Rosenthal

I just think this is a cool picture. I thought it was pretty cool to shoot a fashion ad as a crime scene. I thought it was interesting to have the model look like a corpse. I like the dark gritty morbid feel of the photograph . I also like the use of high lights and low lights.